Episode 18: Skye's the limit

I’ve been a monogamous knitter this week and stuck to my plan of getting the Skye pullover done. Another week done, celebrating with a fresh craft beer this time as this episode sees more of the usual banter about settling to life in Norway and other distractions.

Episode 13: A week of WIP's

This week I’ve been a busy bee fluttering from WIP to WIP. The Lapwing pullover from episode 12 has one sleeve completed, I’ve started on a sleeve for my Granny Square pullover and cast on for a new project - the beautiful lace yoke of Kuutar.

Episode 8: More hats and floppy yarn

Another week flew by and another episode is live for your viewing pleasure. I’m on a roll with my fair isle hats and can show off two completed beanies in glorious colourwork. Walt the green monster makes an appearance, the granny square pullover is back and I express some frustration about choosing the next big knit.