

Welcome to my blog. I am Silje and I document my thoughts, ramblings and adventures in knitting, fibre arts, and all things crafty. Hope you have a nice stay!

We are all WIPs

We are all WIPs

These past weeks I have been thinking a lot about my growing pile of works in progress, the WIPs. Some works in progress are new, others have been lingering and some again are constant.


The ones I take photos of, keep notes on and write summaries of are the fun ones. Stitches that keep me sane. The knitting projects; jumpers, cardigans, hats, mittens, socks, cowls, baby blankets, shawls, tea cozies and little toy bunnies. Things in pretty colours that we double tap on scrolling down our feeds. Inspiration for making. Making life a little warmer and a little easier to handle. I often grab my needles in times of emotional upheaval, stitching away like a mad woman trying to collect my thoughts and slow down. There has definitely been enough of that lately. But I will try my best to stay on topic. Racism.

I lived most of my adult life so far in a country that was not my own. In a big European city with people coming in from all over the world. And one thing white immigrants have in common is that they never really want to use on that particular word on themselves. White (and english speaking in particular) people living abroad seem to refer to themselves as “expats”. Only brown people and people coming from eastern Europe are “immigrants”. I always found that to be a blatant example of privilege and the opinion that “immigration” being something only poor people from poor countries do and therefore a dirty word.

Now the privileged seem to finally wake up to a long overdue cry for equality from Black Americans that is actually being heard. And let’s face it, this is not a new fight. We don’t get to be surprised or shocked. My expectation when we saw the news about another murder of a black man by police in the states was that it would yet again be swept under the rug. The first thought I had once the protests began was “it’s about fucking time”. It will not be resolved quickly, and we will probably not see major change in my lifetime but it does give a little kindle of hope that being aware we might teach our children and make better choices when electing our politicians. Not only in the US but on this side of the pond as well - Europeans do not get to sit by and smugly mutter to themselves “these Americans are at it again”, there is plenty to deal with right here. Even in such a homogeneously populated country as Norway.

I for one will continue to do what I can in my daily life to be actively anti-racist and anti-asshole. Even though that feels to be frustratingly little in these days of lockdown and zero social interaction. Hence this post. And I really hope this movement does not loose momentum and that white folks everywhere realise their privilege, take a step back and look at what we can do to change things.

For now I will keep on making, thinking and to have a watchful eye on where my money is getting spent and who gets my vote in democratic elections. Because even though neither you or me directly caused this unfair structures in our society it is on us to fix them. It was always on us.

Now, for this particular work-in-progress we need to educate ourselves. My social media channels have been a flutter with excellent reading tips and people to follow for heartbreaking insight.

What can we do in Norway?

Support BIPOC in fiber - Find makers, dyers and pattern creators from around the world and support their business. We all shop online anyway - make the money count.

Black History Month Norway - Knowledge base with more resources to educate ourselves

Antirasistisk Senter - - Information about racism in Norway in particular and a place where you can report incidents you experience or observe in your daily life.

Amnesty International - Sign the petition demanding justice for George Floyd

Episode 5: Cables, colourwork, amigurumi and classic granny squares

Episode 5: Cables, colourwork, amigurumi and classic granny squares

Birkin Sweater

Birkin Sweater