

Welcome to my blog. I am Silje and I document my thoughts, ramblings and adventures in knitting, fibre arts, and all things crafty. Hope you have a nice stay!

Episode 9: Can't not knit

Episode 9: Can't not knit

It’s been a week. But I’m back to do my knitterly show and tell once again. 😁

Yarns, patterns and people mentioned in this episode

What I’m wearing

I am wearing a fuzzy golden dream of a pullover called “Fossveien”. A design by Inga Semmingsen published on Ravelry back in october 2019, I’m not aware if the designer has any other places she sells patterns but she’s @vippetavpinnene on Instagram and I really recommend you give her a follow there to see what great new designs she comes up with next. The yarns I’ve used are Hillsevåg Tinde (Rødgul), Telespinn Pan (hand dyed blue by Garnsurr) and Hillsevåg Sol (Koksgrå) - I did do a blogpost about this knit a while back too if you want to check that out for all the details.

And if you are curious about the reasons Garnsurr no longer dyes (but properly explained) you can read about it on the front page of their website which is still up and running. 👀

On the needles (work in progress)

I’ve been crocheting away like a mad woman on my Classic Granny Pullover made after my own head. Done up in rustic fingering weight 2 ply wool. I was really getting my mojo working on this one but I clearly have no technique for crochet so I made my neck hurt and had to set it aside for a time. 

New cast on this week is the “Foula Snood” by Donna Smith. A pattern from the Shetland Wool Week Annual 2018 that can now be got as a stand alone pattern on Ravelry. If you want to get the annual it can still be ordered from the Shetland Wool Week shop. Yarn used for this project is Fjord Fibres “Hytteliv (Cabin Life)” and Rauma Finull “Sauesvart - 410” and yellows “Lys strågul - 402” and “Sennepsgul - 4805”.

I also made a dent on Lillemors Herregenser by Sandnes Garn, mens size for my partner. First sleeve is growing. Yarn used here is Sandnes Garn Smart, a 100% wool DK superwash.

Other mentions

I had some mail! The Sewing Box plunked into my mailbox. This is a Spanish magazine for craft lovers with patterns and inspiration in a wide variety of crafts.

I’m planning the next amigurumi make to come from the Sweet Crochet Friends book I have. Want to make something cute and girly for new humans in the making. ❤️

Episode 10: A scrappy crochet hook up (and a past knitting fail)

Episode 10: A scrappy crochet hook up (and a past knitting fail)

Episode 8: More hats and floppy yarn

Episode 8: More hats and floppy yarn