All in podcast

Episode 18: Skye's the limit

I’ve been a monogamous knitter this week and stuck to my plan of getting the Skye pullover done. Another week done, celebrating with a fresh craft beer this time as this episode sees more of the usual banter about settling to life in Norway and other distractions.

Episode 13: A week of WIP's

This week I’ve been a busy bee fluttering from WIP to WIP. The Lapwing pullover from episode 12 has one sleeve completed, I’ve started on a sleeve for my Granny Square pullover and cast on for a new project - the beautiful lace yoke of Kuutar.

Episode 8: More hats and floppy yarn

Another week flew by and another episode is live for your viewing pleasure. I’m on a roll with my fair isle hats and can show off two completed beanies in glorious colourwork. Walt the green monster makes an appearance, the granny square pullover is back and I express some frustration about choosing the next big knit.

Episode 3: First one, then the other

The third installment of me chatting about knits and yarns is live! There was some technical difficulties had but I managed to get on with it - there is a weird shaking going on that hopefully won't be seizure inducing. Getting the grips of this podcast thing is a steep learning curve! In any case I hope you will enjoy watching :)

Episode 2: Definite colour theme

The second episode is up on YouTube! I chat about my current works in progress, talk about the why I cast on more even when I've got plenty of projects on the go. I show off a couple of finished objects and last but not least a parade of beautiful new yarn that made it into my stash.

Episode 1: No time like the present

My first ever podcast recording! Introduction of me, Silje and lots of knitting chatter complete with awkward pauses, dropped phones and rambling tangents. Yarn love, No Frills Sweater, colourwork mittens, unravelling garments and my make nine rant.