

Welcome to my blog. I am Silje and I document my thoughts, ramblings and adventures in knitting, fibre arts, and all things crafty. Hope you have a nice stay!

Episode 1: No time like the present

Episode 1: No time like the present

My first ever podcast recording! Introduction of me, Silje and lots of knitting chatter complete with awkward pauses, dropped phones and rambling tangents. Yarn love, No Frills Sweater, colourwork mittens, unravelling garments and my make nine rant.

I’ve been doing this knitting thing for some years now, but i find it can be a lonely craft, not being able to share my excitement with those in my immediate family and since I have recently moved back to Norway from living abroad for 12 years my social circle is a bit limited. And i’ve been spending a lot of time knitting.

So, why do i want to get in on this podcasting game? First of all, it looks like fun. And I have been finding more and more wonderful podcasters out there and I draw a lot of inspiration and comfort from listening to their knitting woes and musings about life. Frankly I was starting to feel a bit like a stalker - binge-watching podcasts while knitting  - getting to know so much about these people and not offering anything back. 

I guess that’s what it is about for me in the end really, giving some back to the community, taking part in it, being a bit brave and putting myself out there. 

I’ve got no set schedule yet for this, but bi-weekly was the idea… let’s see how this goes!

On the needles (WIP)

No Frills Sweater by PetiteKnit
Yarns: 2 ply Merinowool from Nøstebarn (849 Aubergine) held with Skrantin Silk Mohair (Krilla/Nufyo) by Garnsurr.
In this case the Skrantin Silk Mohair came first, I was taken by the glittering yellows along with the deep shades of purple and I knew it had to become the No Frills Sweater if i could only find it’s perfect match. I carried a hank around with me in my bag every time i knew we were going to pass by a likely yarn shop so i could match up possible yarns. I ended up with this Merinoull, which has a wonderful rustic quality to the touch that you don’t usually associate with merino yarns. I suspect this is going to let all that spin oil off and soften up in the wash… can’t wait!
As you can see i have finished the arms, and am going down the body. Stockinette and more stockinette. I am also being a good girl and alternating the hand-dyed yarn every two rounds. It is a pain with the mohair but i would not be happy with pooling. You can see I didn’t alternate at the very beginning and in the back neck there is a bit of that going on - but not so much as to make me rip it out again. 

Kallarstø Mittens from the book “Selbuvotter
Yarns: Ask/Hifa 2 from Hillesvåg Ullvarefabrikk (Bonderød and Lys Grå colourways).
I picked up this book just after I moved back to Norway - high on the sudden access to knitting books and sticky wools and totally feeling a wave of traditional colourwork coming on. I could go on and on about the book itself, but it will be another time. However I didn’t cast on anything from it until after we took a trip to Riga and I went a bit mad with Latvian mitten knitting. (Two kits and much wool bought at Hobbywool, of which one set of mittens have been completed, see the post on Latvian Mittens "Autumn Leaves") After those were done i immediately cast on for a pair of Selbu style mittens in some leftover Ask yarn from Hillesvåg Ullvarefabrikk. Some mistakes have been made, but no matter, I’m making matching mistakes on mitten number two. They are turning out a little on the small side for me - being only 60 stitches in the round - BUT i am thinking i might make a box of mittens for gifting. I don’t need so many for myself and really i just like knitting them. There is such variety, and feels like a palette cleanser to me. Colourwork knitting is kind of the basic for anyone who was taught the skill by Norwegian grandmothers. Anyway, I am enjoying this pattern made by Sofie Aunhaugen back in the 60’s i think. The thumb of the mitten has the year 1965 on it which I will change to 2018. I think the design is very sweet and feminine, the little heart on the thumb gusset also a nice sweet detail. Soon to be a finished object I’m sure!

Stranger Cardigan by Michiyo from Wool People Vol. 4 (2012)
Yarns: Shelter from Brooklyn Tweed (Snowbound)
This totally skipped up to the front of my queue and on to my needles. Not planned at all. I was just tired of looking at my poor Ondawa sweater from 2015 not getting any love because it was not a great fit for me. Arms too tight, neckline too wide and body too short. The cropped boxy fit just ended up sticking out front and back (because the wooly goodness that is Brooklyn Tweed Shelter has little to no drape). I overcame my fear of breaking the yarn in the process and ripped it out. Surprisingly easy to do.

Distractions (Inspiration and queue)

Camomille Shawl

by Helga Isager

Triangular garter stitch stripy shawl with tassels! what’s not to love. It’s simple and rich in detail at the same time. Striping with a similar shade in a different texture/yarn-weight. I gush about this at length in the episode.


The make nine 2018 challenge

My current knitters woe, the inability to make all the things at once, trying to balance knitting for pleasure and wanting a garment. One completed, three in progress and five looking back at me rolling their eyes. I am clearly not capable of casting on according to a plan. I do want to make all these designs, i’m just not seeing it happen in 2018.

Something new, something scary

Something new, something scary