

Welcome to my blog. I am Silje and I document my thoughts, ramblings and adventures in knitting, fibre arts, and all things crafty. Hope you have a nice stay!

Summary of #makenine2019

Summary of #makenine2019

So how did I do with the 2019 challenge? Quite miserably I would say. I did in fact complete quite a few garments and other bits, but following the list was not happening this year either. I managed to finish 2 out of 9 pieces. And thats only because I left one blank and have inserted my favourite knit of the year as number 9, namely the Bouquet Sweater.

True to form I cast on with abandon any other thing not on the list that struck my fancy. But that’s a story for another post. And will I make a 2020 list? Most likely yes. Just because it’s fun to browse all the patterns and do some imaginary knitting now in the dead of winter.

The 2019 line-up and their current status

1. Nordiska

by Caitlin Hunter (@boylandknitworks)


This flew off the needles (barring a hiatus due to missing ball of yarn!). See the details in the finished object post.

2. Lapwing

by Marie Wallin (@mariewallinknits)

Work in progress

Currently hibernating and wating for sleeves. Most likely to be finished in the January fit of finishing all the things.

The poor beauties that didn’t make it in 2019

For various reasons these six lovely designs did not get cast-on during the year. Still in my Ravelry queue so they might still happen.

3. Balmaha

by Kate Davies


6. Melli

by Camille Rosselle

Not started

4. Selenite

by Astrid Troland

Not started

7. Marit

by Kristin Drysdale (@Scandiwork)

Not started


5. Poet

by Sari Nordlund

Not started

8. Watermark

by Jared Flood

Not started


9. The Boquet Sweater

by Caitlin Hunter (@boylandknitworks)


After I left myself one blank spot last January it quickly became obvious that the 9th had to be this. Just yup.

Ghost Horses Sweater

Ghost Horses Sweater

Navelli Tee

Navelli Tee