

Welcome to my blog. I am Silje and I document my thoughts, ramblings and adventures in knitting, fibre arts, and all things crafty. Hope you have a nice stay!

Nordiska - worsted version

Nordiska - worsted version

Here it is, my Nordiska. Another beauty from Caitlin Hunter (@boylandknitworks). The pattern calls for a fingering weight merino/linen blend, but I thought it would make an excellent cozy oversized pullover in worsted.


Pattern: Nordiska
Designer: Caitlin Hunter
Yarn: Brooklyn Tweed Shelter
Colourway: Snowbound, Hayloft and Plume

As with nearly all of the patterns Caitlin Hunter publishes it took me by storm via Instagram. Previous knitting plans be damned - I have had a tendency to cast on her patterns as soon as they are ready to download. In this case there was a series of fortuitous circumstances that led to this cast-on; I had a good large stash of the Snowbound colourway after having frogged a perfectly good Ondawa pullover that I was not using and there had recently been a sale on Brooklyn Tweet in an online store where I had ordered two contrasting colours of the same yarn, thinking it might come in handy if the right pattern turned up. And it did!

The speedy knit that would not end

Cast on mid January (conveniently finding this pattern in time to include it to my #makenine2019 challenge, so, check!) and happily speeding along on big needles and worsted weight yarn like nobody’s business. I would have completed the thing in about 2 weeks had it not been for running out of the dark plum colour on the first sleeve… it was very frustrating to say the least. The store where I had bought the yarn were no longer carrying Brooklyn Tweed and the only other store in the country to have the yarn available had run out of that colourway with a 4-5 weeks wait for re-stock. After about 3 weeks waiting I get a message from them telling me that BT was also out of stock and they would not be able to help me out after all. So, I had to bite the bullet and order up a skein from Loop. Which is an excellent shop but since I now live in Norway the whole import-tax thing makes it a bit more prohibitive to order stuff from around Europe.

Once the final skein had arrived I finished the pullover in another night or two of knitting. Cast off, blocked it and practically lived in the thing these last months of winter. Turned out cozy, slouchy and boxy just as I wanted it. It was such a pleasure to knit on, straight forward pattern, uncomplicated colourwork and always those nice little details added to keep a knitters interest going.

Little alterations

  • Knit up in worsted weight american wool. Plump and lofty with almost no drape.

  • Made the body a little longer and continued the raglan cables down the sides until the colourwork pattern begins.

The Bouquet Sweater

The Bouquet Sweater

The Rocquaine Pullover

The Rocquaine Pullover