

Welcome to my blog. I am Silje and I document my thoughts, ramblings and adventures in knitting, fibre arts, and all things crafty. Hope you have a nice stay!

Feeling Fantastitch - Ep. 30

Feeling Fantastitch - Ep. 30

Rambling on into September I’m preparing for the MKAL by finishing off the Fantastitch shawl and getting distracted with all the imaginary knits and plans.

Bound off and wearing

Fantastitch by Stephen West (@westknits) has been completed and I couldn’t be more pleased with the result! Yarns used for this massive shawl project is Stranded Dyeworks BFL Nylon, NinaPetrina BFL, Værbitt Hillesvåg Sølje and Rauma Alpakka Lin for fluff. Get the Pattern on Ravelry: 

Tutorial by Stephen West including recommendations for colour choices: 

On my needles

Nighthawk Slipover by Wilma Malcomson, published in Shetland Wool Adventures Journal vol. 2. Yarns used are Rauma FinullPT2 and Jamieson’s of Shetland Spindrift.

Gift knitting season has commenced and for my niece I’m making the Titten-på-hjørnet jakke - Pattern from booklet Finull 311 by Rauma Garn. Pattern website (Norwegian) :  Yarn used are the ones called for in the pattern; Rauma Finull and Rauma Alpakka Silke held double.

Powered by the last piece of chocolate - Ep. 31

Powered by the last piece of chocolate - Ep. 31

Aggressively floofy - Ep. 29

Aggressively floofy - Ep. 29