

Welcome to my blog. I am Silje and I document my thoughts, ramblings and adventures in knitting, fibre arts, and all things crafty. Hope you have a nice stay!

Aggressively floofy - Ep. 29

Aggressively floofy - Ep. 29

It’s time to check in on my knitting adventures! I’ve made some progress on my Nighthawk slipover, but mostly I’ve been busy with a secret test knit. And swatching, so much swatching on future cast-on’s.


Levenwik Cardigan by Gurdun Johnston (mentioned in episodes 8 and episode 16)

Yarns used: Holst Garn Supersoft and Pickles Merino Tweed, strands held together

Published by Brooklyn Tweed:
My ravelry project:

On my needles

Nighthawk Slipover by Wilma Malcomson, published in Shetland Wool Adventures Journal vol. 2. Yarns used are Rauma FinullPT2 and Jamieson’s of Shetland Spindrift.

Fair-isle Vest knit along

#FairisleVestKAL - will run until October 10th, 2021, when I will draw winners from FO-thread on Ravelry and on the instagram hashtag. I’m making up a couple of colourwork kits as prizes for the knit-a-long that I hope you will like.

If you want to join the KAL there is plenty of time. I have made a collection on Ravelry with some of my favourite patterns that are available on the platform. I will keep adding to this list as I find new inspiring designs. 

The link is open to all, also non-ravellers:

I’ve opened a chat thread for the KAL in the brand new Ravelry group for the podcast which you can find here: 

Swatching, swatching, swatching

Illuminate by Andrea Mowry will be cast on during this cold season for sure. I’ll be using Sandnes garn Silk Mohair & Hillesvåg Sølje hand dyed purple gradient by Nina Petrina.

A needed DK weight textured knit will be Boulevardier by Thea Colman knit in Dale Garn Lanolin Wool.

And also by Andrea Mowry I am exploring yarn choices for The Daydreamer.

Feeling Fantastitch - Ep. 30

Feeling Fantastitch - Ep. 30

Episode 28: Cutting a steek in my Skye

Episode 28: Cutting a steek in my Skye