

Welcome to my blog. I am Silje and I document my thoughts, ramblings and adventures in knitting, fibre arts, and all things crafty. Hope you have a nice stay!

Something new, something scary

Something new, something scary

It has now been about five months now since me, my partner and our baby boy made the move to Norway after making our life in Barcelona, Spain. And to be honest it has been much harder than I had imagined. Gut wrenching insecurities lurching around every corner, feeling totally unbalanced for missing the life we had built for ourselves in our old city.

Our comfortable discomfort as we called it. Even though I know we have made the best decision for our family as a whole it is incredibly hard to stay positive each and every day.

In the past months I have been thinking a lot about new things, beginnings, being able to embrace change and how hard it is to start something new. I tend to get pretty anxious about change, especially in my own life and circumstances. This might seem strange to some that know me, seeing as I have taken pretty major life change decisions seemingly quick. Part of this whole idea of embracing change and the new things is creating this blog, and the podcast with it, this bubble of virtual space to be my own little creative outlet. Private and public at the same time. Trying to reach out to a wider community without being physically connected. 

So I am cautiously optimistic. Tentatively exited. And a bit proud of myself for actually starting.

I hope to fill this space with things that gets my brain itching and things makes me happy, continuously improving each day.

Latvian Mittens "Autumn Leaves"

Latvian Mittens "Autumn Leaves"

Episode 1: No time like the present

Episode 1: No time like the present