

Welcome to my blog. I am Silje and I document my thoughts, ramblings and adventures in knitting, fibre arts, and all things crafty. Hope you have a nice stay!

Make nine challenge 2019

Make nine challenge 2019

It’s time to make that make nine list again! This will be my year I can feel it :) The hard part of this challenge is not really the amount of knitting (I managed to knit ). It is the commitment to certain designs. So this year I am leaving one spot open for that inevitable new fantastic pattern yet to be discovered. All of the eight patterns selected are ones that I’m really aching to knit and wear. And I’ve promised myself that I will try as best I can to knit from the stash - to finally use some of the beautiful yarn I’v hoarded for the past year.

Challenge accepted!

The 2019 line-up

1. Nordiska

by Caitlin Hunter (@boylandknitworks)

Already on the needles and also one of the newest pattern releases. I’m using the stash of Brooklyn Tweed Shelter yarn from my frogged Ondawa sweater - I got some contrast colours on a sale online so it really feels like a bargain.

2. Lapwing

by Marie Wallin (@mariewallinknits)

It seems i cannot escape her colourwork patterns, they are just so lovely. This pattern is availible in her Ravelry store as a single pattern. I’m planning to knit this one up in ha handdyed BFL yarn by NinaPetrina toghether with Telespinn’s Symre. A mohair yarn in exactly the same weight I’ve been wanting to try out.

3. Balmaha

by Kate Davies

Yarn for this one already sourced and caked up, it will be made in one of my all time favourite yarns - Hillesvåg Sølje - a 100% pelt wool. I’ve been long pondering the colour combination that best suits it and hope to make the final decision soon.

4. Selenite

by Astrid Troland

Cozy pullovers for the win! And this one will be knit out of stash. I have large quantities of Holst Supersoft that will be perfect for this project as it uses colour held double for the marled effect on the body.


5. Poet

by Sari Nordlund

Just look at that beutiful lace. Still not sure what fiber to use for this one - wool, linen or a nice blend? Could be a nice summer knit and garment but I no longer live where that’s much of a consern.

6. Melli

by Camille Rosselle

Something for the spring and summer months that I know are coming (even if it seems unlikely in the dead of January). Perhaps to be done in a cotton or linen blend. First published in Pom Pom Quarterly issue 20, can now be bought as a separate pattern on Ravelry.

7. Marit

by Kristin Drysdale (@Scandiwork)

This pattern is not yet published when this list was made - it will be released in issue no. 7 of Laine Magazine and teased on instagram

8. Watermark

by Jared Flood

Recetly out in the Brooklyn Tweed Winter 2019 Collection this textured beauty went straight on my knit list.

Taking stock of 2018, the year of many changes

Taking stock of 2018, the year of many changes

The Hansel Hap

The Hansel Hap