

Welcome to my blog. I am Silje and I document my thoughts, ramblings and adventures in knitting, fibre arts, and all things crafty. Hope you have a nice stay!

The Hansel Hap

The Hansel Hap

I thought I would write up my review of this pattern. I've now knitted it up twice, both half and full versions. And it is such a satisfying knit. The pattern in question if of course Hansel by Gudrun Johnson.


Pattern: Hansel Hap (half)
Designer: Gudrun Johnson
Yarn: Jamieson of Shetland Spindrift, Hillesvåg Ask and Sølje
Colourway: 6054 Light Grey, 2107 Lime, 150 Atlantic, 423 Burnt Ochre and 1190 Burnt Umber

The squishy garter stitch wedge followed by a little lace and colour, then at the very end casting off does not feel tedious because I'm knitting a lace edge as  we go. Then on to soak and block which just transforms the fabric. For the longest time it was like knitting on a woolly blob, especially the full size which is a square and as always I was struggling with the colour combination. Never feeling it was getting to be “just right”. I must have unravelled that lace edge 4 or 5 times before i finally landed on the final colours.

I’ve added some photos of the half hap below here, and you can see the full size in episode 4 of the podcast. The full size was knit as a baby-gift for @sarieoliver, a very dear friend of mine.

Make nine challenge 2019

Make nine challenge 2019

Episode 4: Socks & other little knits

Episode 4: Socks & other little knits