

Welcome to my blog. I am Silje and I document my thoughts, ramblings and adventures in knitting, fibre arts, and all things crafty. Hope you have a nice stay!

Episode 25: New mitts! And old favourites

Episode 25: New mitts! And old favourites

It was a rainy day when I did this recording, so I’ve pulled some old favorites out of my knitting wardrobe to bundle up in. Showing off the finished pair of mitts and *still* working on the last sleeve of my Lapwing (which I consistently called Levenwik throughout the video 😅). 

What I’m wearing

Morganite Cardigan by Corrina Ferguson 

Yarn and colourways used: Bowland DK by Eden Cottage Yarns ( in “Misty Woods” colourway.

Emery Shawl by Shannon Cook

Yarn and colourways used: Cricket DK by Anzula ( ) in “Keola” colourway.

Bound off

Small flowers mitts by Pinneguri

Another free pattern to be found on Rav.

I’m knitting these up in Rauma Finull and FjordFibres sock yarn. 

(Still, yes still...) On the needles

Lapwing pullover by Marie Wallin. 

This is a free all over colourwork/ fair-isle pattern. You can get it either on Lovecrafts ( or Ravelry (

Yarns and colourways used: Ninapetrina ( Tynn Blue-faced Leicester in "Oliven" for main colour and Telespinn Symre ( in "Brent jord" to contrast. 

Fair-isle Vest knit along

#FairisleVestKAL - starting now (June/July) and until September 2021. Will post something to the hashtag on instagram sometime soon.

I’ll be knitting the Nighthawk Slipover by Wilma Malcomson, published in Shetland Wool Adventures Journal vol. 2 (  

I have made a collection on Ravelry with some of my favourite patterns that are available on the platform. I will keep adding to this list as I find new inspiring designs. 

The link is open to all, also non-ravellers:

Episode 26: Finally finished my Lapwing!

Episode 26: Finally finished my Lapwing!

Episode 24: That last sleeve

Episode 24: That last sleeve